
The first steps of Spiritual formation at MAG Church is the Welcome step. This is where people start. It's a literal first step. And we understand how big of a deal that it. It's checking us out, and kicking the tires. We get it, and even welcome it. So, if this is where you are, great! These steps are with you in mind. Below you will see where you can being your journey. But the most important thing to remember is that you are welcomed! 


Sunday Gatherings are the primary way we gather as a church to worship together, learn the Scriptures, pray for one another, and create space to hear from the Spirit. It is in these moments together that we collectively embody Jesus and his kingdom.

Welcome to
MAG Church

Welcome to MAG Church is a one-day course that introduces you to the MAG story, what we believe, and our rhythms of life as a church family. We would love to meet you and help you get connected into life with MAG. Look forward to this course every first Sunday of the month.


Fresh Start is an 8 week course that introduced people to Christian faith. The goal of Fresh Start is to help people build a solid foundation to build upon. Fresh Start explores the basic of Christianity. So, if this is where you are, or are interested in this, please click on the link below to be informed of our next class.