
MAG Commit

MAG Commit  is a course that discusses the next steps of your spiritual journey. In this course, we will explore what MAG believes, how it is governed, and introduce you to next steps that will help you commit further into your Christianity, things like baptism, child dedications, and partnership.  MAG Commit happens quarterly.


If you are a follower of Jesus and have yet to enter the waters of baptism, we encourage you to take that step. Our Baptism Course provides an opportunity to talk through the new identity, new family, and new mission that we have in Jesus. Look forward to the class and chance to be baptized coming a few times a year.

Small Groups

MAG Small Groups are the way we gather during the week to be the people of Jesus in our city. We eat together, pray for one another, and share life together. It is in these ordinary rhythms of life that we become more like Jesus. Each small group meets in someones home, share a meal, and learns from scripture. For us, we believe discipleship have in circles, not rows.